Solid track record

We have 60 trading partners and a cumulative total of 60 million transactions in Japan with approximately 60,000 new policyholders a year, resulting in more than ¥ 45 billion in premium sales.

We are experienced in more than 20 types of products including accident insurance, medical insurance, cancer insurance and Japan’s first group nursing insurance. We are proud to be No. 1 in the industry for group insurance participation.

Our contact centers have expanded to five locations nationwide and have a high track record and reputation for high conversion and close to zero complaints and high customer satisfaction.

We continue to innovate and to provide a wide range of services and support to the success of partners into the future.

Accurate segmentation and advanced analytics

保険マーケティング - 高精度のセグメンテーションが可能課題を解決

Modelling is the analysis of sales trends from multiple perspectives, combining additional data sets and updating with marketing results data. We can accurately predict the sales conversion rate of each group through decile analysis calculating the purchase ratio and sales composition ratio.

We build predictive models for each insurance product using high-precision segmentation based on vast amounts of data, test results and past performance. Based on customer needs we match the most appropriate products which dramatically reduces complaints and increases response rates.

保険マーケティング - 高精度のセグメンテーションが可能課題を解決

Increased satisfaction increases customer loyalty, which leads to higher card utilization rates. In this way, we can provide in-depth analysis and segment-based marketing that is not possible with a conventional mass marketing approach.

Unique copywriting methods not found in other companies

One of our strengths is copywriting, unique in the market to DSG, using our deep experience in customer behaviour and psychology. We match our direct marketing techniques, segmentation and advanced analytics with our copywriting methods to match product features to customer benefits.

We know the difference between features and benefits and the impact in meeting our customer needs. In some cases we have increased response rates by 150% over base levels by constantly improving and testing our copy.

Call centre performance management that produces results

In contact centre operations, through advanced analysis, we have built strategies that match customer attributes to our contact centre staff, arranging call lists to maximize response performance and customer satisfaction.

We provide a performance management framework with continuous classroom training by dedicated trainers, role playing and competency checks to improve the quality of operator performance, knowledge and the latest information on the marketing program. This ensures a high level of service uniformity with a complaint rate of an astounding two out of 100,000 contacts.

For security of data, the contact centre system has no personal information and lists are centrally managed in the data centre. With strong security our partners have peace of mind that their data is protected from leaks and natural disasters.