Over 30 years of insurance marketing experience that secures new revenue streams, improves customer satisfaction and maximise profits without the risk.

DSG Insurance
Direct Marketing

We partner with businesses in Japan and overseas to offer group insurance through direct mail, telemarketing and digital media. We are customer focused, use advanced analytics and copywriting techniques to achieve high closing rates. This allows your company to secure new revenue streams, improve customer satisfaction and maximise profits without risk.

Why we continue to be chosen

We have produced cumulative insurance premium sales of over 45 billion yen!

We are the market leaders in insurance marketing and have built a strong track record and reputation from being first to market.

Direct Solutions Group Director
Robert Thomson

Providing innovative insurance solutions for the protection of each and every partner customer

Our mission is to provide innovative insurance solutions for the security of each of our partner’s customers, we achieve results while improving customer satisfaction.

Business Partners